Форумы > Аспирантура > Тема |
11.11.2014 02:15 Дата регистрации: 19 лет назад Посты: 21 | Аспирантура в Барселоне, 15тыс евро в год, английский требуется, но не критичен Все вопросы пишите по емэйлу akorobeinikov@crm.cat - Проф. Андрею Коробейникову. A PhD student position at the CRM The CRM (www.crm.cat ) welcomes applications for a PhD student within the programme of Collaborative Mathematical Research. The doctoral training position is specifically attached to the research group of Mathematical Epidemiology leaded by Dr. Andrei Korobeinikov, and to work on a project in mathematical modelling of viral and bacterial evolution. For the general conditions of the position and the description of the full programme see http://www.crm.cat/en/Research/Training/CollabMathResearch/Pages/Description.aspx Candidates’ specification: CRM seeks applications from suitably qualified candidates, who either hold, or expect to obtain by the end of the year a Master of Science degree in mathematics, physics, or biology (in the latter case a substantial training in mathematics will be required). Pure mathematicians interested in application to biology are strongly encouraged to apply. Familiarity with computers and basic knowledge of mathematical modelling as well computational and analytical methods are expected. Knowledge of biology is not essential. To apply, you must send to crmcalls@crm.cat an email with personal information (name, personal address, email, phone number) and attaching the following documents (please name all attached files including your family name for easy identification): CV, academic records of bachelor’s degree and master’s degree (incorporating, if possible, the computation of the average grade following the same scheme as for the FI-DGR 2014 call) and a motivation letter. The deadline to submit an application is November 28, 2014. Applicants should be available for interviews (possibly via Skype) from December 1st onwards. Enquiries to akorobeinikov@crm.cat. CRM has endorsed the EU charter and code for researchers, whose principles apply to this call. Редактировалось 1 раз(а). Последний 11.11.2014 02:16. |
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